The K2 Galactic Archaeology Program Data Release 3: Age-abundance Patterns in C1–C8 and C10–C18


Zinn Joel C.ORCID,Stello DennisORCID,Elsworth Yvonne,García Rafael A.ORCID,Kallinger ThomasORCID,Mathur SavitaORCID,Mosser BenoîtORCID,Hon MarcORCID,Bugnet LisaORCID,Jones Caitlin,Reyes Claudia,Sharma SanjibORCID,Schönrich Ralph,Warfield Jack T.ORCID,Luger RodrigoORCID,Vanderburg AndrewORCID,Kobayashi ChiakiORCID,Pinsonneault Marc H.ORCID,Johnson Jennifer A.ORCID,Huber DanielORCID,Buder SvenORCID,Joyce MeridithORCID,Bland-Hawthorn JossORCID,Casagrande LucaORCID,Lewis Geraint F.ORCID,Miglio AndreaORCID,Nordlander ThomasORCID,Davies Guy R.ORCID,Silva Gayandhi De,Chaplin William J.ORCID,Silva Aguirre VictorORCID


Abstract We present the third and final data release of the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program (K2 GAP) for Campaigns C1–C8 and C10–C18. We provide asteroseismic radius and mass coefficients, κ R and κ M , for ∼19,000 red giant stars, which translate directly to radius and mass given a temperature. As such, K2 GAP DR3 represents the largest asteroseismic sample in the literature to date. K2 GAP DR3 stellar parameters are calibrated to be on an absolute parallactic scale based on Gaia DR2, with red giant branch and red clump evolutionary state classifications provided via a machine-learning approach. Combining these stellar parameters with GALAH DR3 spectroscopy, we determine asteroseismic ages with precisions of ∼20%–30% and compare age-abundance relations to Galactic chemical evolution models among both low- and high-α populations for α, light, iron-peak, and neutron-capture elements. We confirm recent indications in the literature of both increased Ba production at late Galactic times as well as significant contributions to r-process enrichment from prompt sources associated with, e.g., core-collapse supernovae. With an eye toward other Galactic archeology applications, we characterize K2 GAP DR3 uncertainties and completeness using injection tests, suggesting that K2 GAP DR3 is largely unbiased in mass/age, with uncertainties of 2.9% (stat.) ± 0.1% (syst.) and 6.7% (stat.) ± 0.3% (syst.) in κ R and κ M for red giant branch stars and 4.7% (stat.) ± 0.3% (syst.) and 11% (stat.) ± 0.9% (syst.) for red clump stars. We also identify percent-level asteroseismic systematics, which are likely related to the time baseline of the underlying data, and which therefore should be considered in TESS asteroseismic analysis.


National Science Foundation

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


American Astronomical Society


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics







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