Signatures of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback Modes: A Green Bean Galaxy with 150 kpc Jet-induced Radio Emission


Sanderson Kelly N.ORCID,Kapińska Anna D.ORCID,Prescott Moire K. M.ORCID,Dijeau Audrey F.ORCID,Gramze Savannah R.ORCID,Hernandez JacquelineORCID,Kauma Katherine T.ORCID


Abstract Jetted active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosting extended photoionized nebulae provide us with a unique view of the timescales associated with AGN activity. Here, we present a new green bean galaxy at z = 0.304458 ± 0.000007 with large-scale jet-induced radio emission. The spectral energy distributions of the radio components show steep spectral indices (α = −0.85 to −0.92 for the extended regions, and α = −1.02 for the faint radio core), and spectral age modeling of the extended radio emission indicates that the lobes are >6 Myr old. It is unclear whether the jet is active, or is a remnant with an off-time of 2–3 Myr. Several detached clouds lie around the host galaxy up to 37.8 kpc away from the nucleus, and their ionization profile indicates a decline (∼2 dex) in the AGN ionizing photon production over the past ∼0.15 Myr. Furthermore, we measure a blueshift for one of the clouds that is spatially coincident with the path of the radio jet. The cloud is likely illuminated by the photoionizing AGN, and potentially underwent an interaction with the relativistic jet. Our multiwavelength analysis suggests that RGB1 was in a phase of jet production prior to the radiatively efficient accretion phase traced by the detached cloud emission. It is unclear whether RGB1 transitioned into a low-excitation radio galaxy or an inactive galaxy over the past ∼0.15 Myr, or whether the extended radio and optical emission trace distinct accretion phases that occurred in succession.


National Radio Astronomy Observatory


American Astronomical Society







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