X-Ray Polarization Detection of Cassiopeia A with IXPE


Vink JaccoORCID,Prokhorov Dmitry,Ferrazzoli RiccardoORCID,Slane PatrickORCID,Zhou PingORCID,Asakura Kazunori,Baldini LucaORCID,Bucciantini Niccoló,Costa EnricoORCID,Di Marco AlessandroORCID,Heyl JeremyORCID,Marin FrédéricORCID,Mizuno TsunefumiORCID,Ng C.-Y.,Pesce-Rollins MelissaORCID,Ramsey Brian D.,Rankin JohnORCID,Ratheesh Ajay,Sgró CarmeloORCID,Soffitta PaoloORCID,Swartz Douglas A.,Tamagawa Toru,Weisskopf Martin C.ORCID,Yang Yi-Jung,Bellazzini RonaldoORCID,Bonino RaffaellaORCID,Cavazzuti ElisabettaORCID,Costamante Luigi,Di Lalla NiccolóORCID,Latronico LucaORCID,Maldera SimoneORCID,Manfreda AlbertoORCID,Massaro FrancescoORCID,Mitsuishi Ikuyuki,Omodei NicolaORCID,Oppedisano Chiara,Zane Silvia,Agudo IvanORCID,Antonelli Lucio A.,Bachetti MatteoORCID,Baumgartner Wayne H.,Bianchi StefanoORCID,Bongiorno Stephen D.,Brez Alessandro,Capitanio FiammaORCID,Castellano SimoneORCID,Ciprini StefanoORCID,Rosa Alessandra De,Del Monte EttoreORCID,Gesu Laura Di,Donnarumma Immacolata,Doroshenko VictorORCID,Dovčiak MichalORCID,Ehlert Steven R.ORCID,Enoto TeruakiORCID,Evangelista Yuri,Fabiani SergioORCID,Garcia Javier A.ORCID,Gunji Shuichi,Hayashida Kiyoshi,Iwakiri WataruORCID,Jorstad Svetlana G.ORCID,Karas VladimirORCID,Kitaguchi Takao,Kolodziejczak Jeffery J.,Krawczynski HenricORCID,La Monaca FabioORCID,Liodakis Ioannis,Marinucci AndreaORCID,Marscher Alan P.ORCID,Marshall Herman L.ORCID,Matt GiorgioORCID,Muleri FabioORCID,O’Dell Stephen L.,Papitto AlessandroORCID,Pavlov George G.ORCID,Peirson Abel L.ORCID,Perri Matteo,Pilia MauraORCID,Possenti AndreaORCID,Poutanen JuriORCID,Puccetti SimonettaORCID,Romani Roger W.ORCID,Spandre Gloria,Tavecchio FabrizioORCID,Taverna Roberto,Tawara Yuzuru,Tennant Allyn F.,Thomas Nicolas E.,Tombesi Francesco,Trois Alessio,Tsygankov SergeyORCID,Turolla RobertoORCID,Wu Kinwah,Xie Fei


Abstract We report on a ∼5σ detection of polarized 3–6 keV X-ray emission from the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). The overall polarization degree of 1.8% ± 0.3% is detected by summing over a large region, assuming circular symmetry for the polarization vectors. The measurements imply an average polarization degree for the synchrotron component of ∼2.5%, and close to 5% for the X-ray synchrotron-dominated forward shock region. These numbers are based on an assessment of the thermal and nonthermal radiation contributions, for which we used a detailed spatial-spectral model based on Chandra X-ray data. A pixel-by-pixel search for polarization provides a few tentative detections from discrete regions at the ∼ 3σ confidence level. Given the number of pixels, the significance is insufficient to claim a detection for individual pixels, but implies considerable turbulence on scales smaller than the angular resolution. Cas A’s X-ray continuum emission is dominated by synchrotron radiation from regions within ≲1017 cm of the forward and reverse shocks. We find that (i) the measured polarization angle corresponds to a radially oriented magnetic field, similar to what has been inferred from radio observations; (ii) the X-ray polarization degree is lower than in the radio band (∼5%). Since shock compression should impose a tangential magnetic-field structure, the IXPE results imply that magnetic fields are reoriented within ∼1017 cm of the shock. If the magnetic-field alignment is due to locally enhanced acceleration near quasi-parallel shocks, the preferred X-ray polarization angle suggests a size of 3 × 1016 cm for cells with radial magnetic fields.


EC ∣ Horizon 2020 Framework Programme



American Astronomical Society


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics








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