Collapsars as Sites of r-process Nucleosynthesis: Systematic Photometric Near-infrared Follow-up of Type Ic-BL Supernovae


Anand ShreyaORCID,Barnes JenniferORCID,Yang Sheng,Kasliwal Mansi M.ORCID,Coughlin Michael W.ORCID,Sollerman JesperORCID,De KishalayORCID,Fremling ChristofferORCID,Corsi AlessandraORCID,Ho Anna Y. Q.ORCID,Balasubramanian ArvindORCID,Omand ConorORCID,Srinivasaragavan Gokul P.,Cenko S. BradleyORCID,Ahumada TomásORCID,Andreoni IgorORCID,Dahiwale Aishwarya,Das Kaustav KashyapORCID,Jencson JacobORCID,Karambelkar VirajORCID,Kumar HarshORCID,Metzger Brian D.ORCID,Perley DanielORCID,Sarin NikhilORCID,Schweyer Tassilo,Schulze SteveORCID,Sharma YashviORCID,Sit Tawny,Stein RobertORCID,Tartaglia LeonardoORCID,Tinyanont SamapornORCID,Tzanidakis AnastasiosORCID,van Roestel JanORCID,Yao YuhanORCID,Bloom Joshua S.ORCID,Cook David O.ORCID,Dekany RichardORCID,Graham Matthew J.ORCID,Groom Steven L.ORCID,Kaplan David L.ORCID,Masci Frank J.ORCID,Medford Michael S.ORCID,Riddle ReedORCID,Zhang ChaoranORCID


Abstract One of the open questions following the discovery of GW170817 is whether neutron star (NS) mergers are the only astrophysical sites capable of producing r-process elements. Simulations have shown that 0.01–0.1 M of r-process material could be generated in the outflows originating from the accretion disk surrounding the rapidly rotating black hole that forms as a remnant to both NS mergers and collapsing massive stars associated with long-duration gamma-ray bursts (collapsars). The hallmark signature of r-process nucleosynthesis in the binary NS merger GW170817 was its long-lasting near-infrared (NIR) emission, thus motivating a systematic photometric study of the light curves of broad-lined stripped-envelope (Ic-BL) supernovae (SNe) associated with collapsars. We present the first systematic study of 25 SNe Ic-BL—including 18 observed with the Zwicky Transient Facility and 7 from the literature—in the optical/NIR bands to determine what quantity of r-process material, if any, is synthesized in these explosions. Using semi-analytic models designed to account for r-process production in SNe Ic-BL, we perform light curve fitting to derive constraints on the r-process mass for these SNe. We also perform independent light curve fits to models without the r-process. We find that the r-process-free models are a better fit to the light curves of the objects in our sample. Thus, we find no compelling evidence of r-process enrichment in any of our objects. Further high-cadence infrared photometric studies and nebular spectroscopic analysis would be sensitive to smaller quantities of r-process ejecta mass or indicate whether all collapsars are completely devoid of r-process nucleosynthesis.


National Science Foundation


American Astronomical Society

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