The Size–Mass Relation at Rest-frame 1.5 μm from JWST/NIRCam in the COSMOS-WEB and PRIMER-COSMOS Fields


Martorano MarcoORCID,van der Wel ArjenORCID,Baes MaartenORCID,Bell Eric F.ORCID,Brammer GabrielORCID,Franx MarijnORCID,Nersesian AngelosORCID


Abstract We present the galaxy stellar mass–size relation in the rest-frame near-IR (1.5 μm) and its evolution with redshift up to z = 2.5. Sérsic profiles are measured for ∼26,000 galaxies with stellar masses M > 109 M from JWST/NIRCam F277W and F444W imaging provided by the COSMOS-WEB and PRIMER surveys using coordinates, redshifts, colors, and stellar mass estimates from the COSMOS2020 catalog. The new rest-frame near-IR effective radii are generally smaller than previously measured rest-frame optical sizes, on average by 0.14 dex, with no significant dependence on redshift. For quiescent galaxies, this size offset does not depend on stellar mass, but for star-forming galaxies, the offset increases from −0.1 dex at M = 109.5 M to −0.25 dex at M > 1011 M . That is, we find that the near-IR stellar mass–size relation for star-forming galaxies is flatter in the rest-frame near-IR than in the rest-frame optical at all redshifts 0.5 < z < 2.5. The general pace of size evolution is the same in the near-IR as previously demonstrated in the optical, with slower evolution (R e ∝ (1 + z)−0.7) for L* star-forming galaxies and faster evolution (R e ∝ (1 + z)−1.3) for L* quiescent galaxies. Massive (M > 1011 M ) star-forming galaxies evolve in size almost as fast as quiescent galaxies. Low-mass (M < 1010 M ) quiescent galaxies evolve as slow as star-forming galaxies. Our main conclusion is that the size evolution narrative as it has emerged over the past two decades does not radically change when accessing the rest-frame near-IR with JWST, a better proxy of the underlying stellar mass distribution.


Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek


American Astronomical Society







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