Circumstellar Interaction Signatures in the Low-luminosity Type II SN 2021gmj


Meza-Retamal NicolásORCID,Dong 董 Yize 一泽ORCID,Bostroem K. AzaleeORCID,Valenti StefanoORCID,Galbany LluísORCID,Pearson JeniveveORCID,Hosseinzadeh GriffinORCID,Andrews Jennifer E.ORCID,Sand David J.ORCID,Jencson Jacob E.ORCID,Janzen DarylORCID,Lundquist Michael J.ORCID,Hoang Emily T.ORCID,Wyatt SamuelORCID,Brown Peter J.ORCID,Howell D. AndrewORCID,Newsome MeganORCID,Padilla Gonzalez EstefaniaORCID,Pellegrino CraigORCID,Terreran GiacomoORCID,Kouprianov VladimirORCID,Hiramatsu DaichiORCID,Jha Saurabh W.ORCID,Smith NathanORCID,Haislip JoshuaORCID,Reichart Daniel E.ORCID,Shrestha ManishaORCID,Rosales-Ortega F. FabiánORCID,Brink Thomas G.ORCID,Filippenko Alexei V.ORCID,Zheng WeiKangORCID,Yang YiORCID


Abstract We present comprehensive optical observations of SN 2021gmj, a Type II supernova (SN II) discovered within a day of explosion by the Distance Less Than 40 Mpc survey. Follow-up observations show that SN 2021gmj is a low-luminosity SN II (LL SN II), with a peak magnitude M V = −15.45 and an Fe ii velocity of ∼1800 km s−1 at 50 days past explosion. Using the expanding photosphere method, we derive a distance of 17.8 0.4 + 0.6 Mpc. From the tail of the light curve we obtain a radioactive nickel mass of M 56 Ni = 0.014 ± 0.001 M . The presence of circumstellar material (CSM) is suggested by the early-time light curve, early spectra, and high-velocity Hα in absorption. Analytical shock-cooling models of the light curve cannot reproduce the fast rise, supporting the idea that the early-time emission is partially powered by the interaction of the SN ejecta and CSM. The inferred low CSM mass of 0.025 M in our hydrodynamic-modeling light-curve analysis is also consistent with our spectroscopy. We observe a broad feature near 4600 Å, which may be high-ionization lines of C, N, or/and He ii. This feature is reproduced by radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of red supergiants with extended atmospheres. Several LL SNe II show similar spectral features, implying that high-density material around the progenitor may be common among them.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Science Foundation

Heising-Simons Foundation

John Templeton Foundation

MEC ∣ Agencia Estatal de Investigación

EC ∣ EU Social ∣ European Social Fund Plus

MEC ∣ Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science London

MEXT ∣ JST ∣ Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology


American Astronomical Society

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