The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program. IV. The Star Formation History of the Local Group Galaxy WLM


McQuinn Kristen. B. W.ORCID,B. Newman Max J.ORCID,Savino AlessandroORCID,Dolphin Andrew E.ORCID,Weisz Daniel R.ORCID,Williams Benjamin F.ORCID,Boyer Martha L.ORCID,Cohen Roger E.ORCID,Correnti MatteoORCID,Cole Andrew A.ORCID,Geha Marla C.ORCID,Gennaro MarioORCID,Kallivayalil NityaORCID,Sandstrom Karin M.ORCID,Skillman Evan D.ORCID,Anderson JayORCID,Bolatto AlbertoORCID,Boylan-Kolchin MichaelORCID,Garling Christopher T.ORCID,Gilbert Karoline M.ORCID,Girardi LéoORCID,Kalirai Jason S.ORCID,Mazzi AlessandroORCID,Pastorelli GiadaORCID,Richstein HannahORCID,Warfield Jack T.ORCID


Abstract We present the first star formation history (SFH) and age–metallicity relation (AMR) derived from resolved stellar populations imaged with the JWST NIRCam instrument. The target is the Local Group star-forming galaxy WLM at 970 kpc. The depth of the color–magnitude diagram (CMD) reaches below the oldest main sequence turnoff with a signal-to-noise ratio = 10 at M F090W = + 4.6 mag. This is the deepest CMD for any galaxy that is not a satellite of the Milky Way. We use Hubble Space Telescope (HST) optical imaging that overlaps with the NIRCam observations to directly evaluate the SFHs derived based on data from the two great observatories. The JWST and HST-based SFHs are in excellent agreement. We use the metallicity distribution function measured from stellar spectra to confirm the trends in the AMRs based on the JWST data. Together, these results confirm the efficacy of recovering an SFH and AMR with the NIRCam F090W−F150W filter combination, and validate the sensitivity and accuracy of stellar evolution libraries in the near-infrared relative to the optical for SFH recovery work. From the JWST data, WLM shows an early onset to star formation, followed by an extended pause post-reionization before star formation reignites, which is qualitatively similar to what has been observed in the isolated galaxies Leo A and Aquarius. Quantitatively, 15% of the stellar mass formed in the first Gyr, while only 10% formed over the next ∼5 Gyr. The stellar mass then rapidly doubled in ∼2.5 Gyr, followed by constant star formation over the last ∼5 Gyr.


Space Telescope Science Institute


American Astronomical Society

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