Investigation of Nursing Students' Views on Reflective Thinking Experiences in Clinic: “Journey to Ourselves” (Qualitative Study)




1. Kütahya Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi


Background and Purpose: Reflective thinking is practised in nursing education in many countries to prepare and strengthen the students in the process of change and development in healthcare. This study was aimed at investigating the views of nursing students taking a surgery course on reflective thinking experiences in the clinic. Methods: The study was conducted with nursing students taking a 2nd-grade surgery course after reflective thinking practice. The reflective thinking practice is an application included in the curriculum of applied courses. The sample of the study consisted of students who took part in reflective thinking practice within the clinical applications of the course entitled “Surgical Diseases and Nursing”. The data were analysed through content analysis. Results: We identified the themes of “problem solving”, “adding value”, “awareness” and “adding power”. Conclusion: We found that utilising reflective thinking methods in clinical applications improves students’ problem solving and reflective thinking skills, encourages the values of empathising and behaving ethically and makes students stronger in terms of professionalisation. We recommend that reflective thinking practice be conducted in clinical applications in nursing education under the guidance of educators.


Dokuz Eyul Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu


General Medicine

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