The role of the angiosomaly-oriented endovascular revascularization method in the complex treatment of diabetic foot syndrome


Petrova V. V.1,Smirnov G. A.2,Arzhelas M. N.3


1. FSBEI of HE "St. Petersburg State University"; University Clinic of the Ministry of Health of Russia

2. FSBEI of HE "St. Petersburg State University"

3. University Clinic of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Objective: analyze the effectiveness of the angiosomal oriented endovascular revascularization method in the complex treatment of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS). Materials and methods. One of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus is damage to the vessels of the lower extremities. In diabetic macroangiopathy, an extended lesion of medium-sized arteries occurs, which, coupled with an atherosclerotic lesion, often leads to the formation of arterial stenosis and occlusion. The leading method for correcting the patency of the great vessels today is endovascular balloon angioplasty. The study examined the feasibility of selective angiosomal revascularization of the lower extremities. The advantages of angiosomaly-oriented endovascular revascularization are a reduction in the duration of the intervention, a decrease in the volume of the injected contrast drug, and targeted restoration of blood flow in the arteries that feed the affected segment of the limb. The study included 49 patients with a neuroischemic form of DFS with hemodynamically significant stenosis and occlusion of the lower extremities arteries. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Patients of both groups underwent complex conservative treatment and performed operations on the lower extremities (from surgical debridement to below the knee amputation). Patients of the first group underwent angiosomaly oriented revascularization of the lower extremities. Patients from the second group underwent traditional endovascular revascularization. Results. After angiosomaly oriented revascularization, a complete restoration of the initial diameter of the vessel was achieved in 80.0 % of cases, the absence of residual stenosis – in 82.5 %, the absence of intimal dissection – in 95.0 % of cases. It was possible to achieve laminar blood flow in 90.0 % of cases. A reduction in the revascularization procedure by an average of 30 minutes and a decrease in the consumption of contrasting pharmaceuticals by an average of 100.0 ml are shown. Conclusion. When evaluating the results of complex treatment of patients after angiosomaly oriented revascularization, a decrease in the average hospital stay (11 and 13 days, respectively), a decrease in the average healing time of a wound defect by 1.25 times, a decrease in the average duration of ulcerative epithelization (9 and 13 days, respectively) and a decrease in the volume of surgical intervention and the number of high amputations during the year after angioplasty compared with patients who underwent endovascular revascularization according to the traditional method.


RPO Surgical Society - Wound and Wound Infections

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