1. Near East University, Nicosia, Northern part ofCyprus
2. Near East University, Nicosia, Northern part ofCyprusr
All individuals living together in society have equal rights. Users with disabilities maintain their existence in the community with all users and are included in the description of all individuals. However, although this issue has been accepted in various countries, the problems faced by individuals with special needs have not completely disappeared. In this context, studies are carried out by researchers in many countries to raise awareness of the existence and place of users with disabilities in society. This research study as an outcome of the workshop on disability monitoring sheds light to examine activities and scientific reflections of Near East University activities about disability rights on behalf of the Northern part of Cyprus. The workshop is held with the contributions of researchers from different disciplines. Thus, the universal rights of persons with disabilities are discussed from various perspectives. It gives insights on holistic perspective to the servi ces to all and provides valuable reflections to show the best practices within the local context setting an example to other countries.
General Economics, Econometrics and Finance,General Engineering,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Materials Science,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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