1. Acetic Acid. (n.d.). Accesed December 16, 2021. Available at: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Acetic-acid
2. Barwick, V.J., Ellison, S.L.R., 2000. VAM Project 3.2.1 Development and Harmonisation of Measurement Uncertainty Principles Part (d): Protocol for uncertainty evaluation from validation data.
3. Council of Europe, 2021. European pharmacopoeia (10.7).
4. EDQM of the Council of Europe, 2014. Proficiency Testing Study 147: Potentiometric titration Final report. (document of restricted use).
5. EDQM of the Council of Europe, 2015. Technical guide for the elaboration of monographs 7th Edition.