1. Ural Research Institute for Metrology
Ural Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM)
Reference18 articles.
1. Milton M. J.T., Quinn T. J. Primary methods for the measurement of amount of substance. Metrologia. 2001;38(4):289—296.—1394/38/4/1
2. Mariassy M., Pratt K. W., Spitzer P. Major applications of electrochemical techniques at national metrology institutes. Metrologia. 2009;46(3):199-213.—1394/46/3/007
3. Terentiev G. I., Sobina A. V., Shimolin A. J., Zyskin V. M. Application of coulometric titration for the certification of primary reference materials of pure substances. AJAC. 2014;5:559-565.
4. Borges P. P., Silva Junior W. B., Gonzaga F. B., Sobina A. V., Shimolin A. Yu., Terentiev G. I. Сoulometric determination of amount content of potassium dichromate for comparability assessment through a bilateral comparison. Proc. XX IMEKO World congress metrology for green growth. Busan, 9—14 September 2012. (In Korea).
5. Mariassy M et all. Key comparison CCQM-K96 Determination of amount content of dichromate. Draft B report. Bratislava, February 2013.