Three-dimensional analysis of micro- and nanostructure of biomaterials and cells by method of scanning probe nanotomography


Efimov A. E.1,Agapova O. I.1,Safonova L. A.2,Bobrova M. M.2,Agapov I. I.1


1. Laboratory of Bionanotechnology, V.I. Shumakov National Medical Research Center of Transplantology and Artifi cial Organs of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

2. Laboratory of Bionanotechnology, V.I. Shumakov National Medical Research Center of Transplantology and Artifi cial Organs of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; Faculty of Biology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.


Aim: to perform a three-dimensional analysis of micro- and nanosctucture and quantitative morphological parameters of alginate spherical microcarriers and porous regenerated silk macrocarriers modifi ed by microparticles of decellularized rat liver matrix and human hepatoma HepG2 cells adhered to micro- and macro carriers.Materials and methods. Three-dimensional porous matrices made from regenerated silk by salt leaching technique and alginate spherical microcarriers fabricated by encapsulation were vitalized by human hepatome HepG2 cells. Study of three-dimensional structure of cells and micro- and macro carriers was carried out at –120 °С by scanning probe cryonanotomography technique with use of experimental setup combining cryoultramicrotome and scanning probe microscope.Results. Three-dimensional nanotomographical reconstructions of HepG2 cells adhered to macropore wall of regenerated silk macrocarrier and to spherical alginate microcarrier are obtained. Morphological parameters (mean roughness, effective surface area and autocorrelation length) are determined for surfaces of macro and microcarriers and adhered cells. The determined mean roughness of alginate microcarrier surface is 76.4 ± 7.5 nm, while that of surface of macropore wall of regenerated silk macrocarrier is 133.8 ± 16.2 nm. At the same time mean roughness of cells adhered to micro- and macrocarriers are 118.5 ± 9.0 и 158.8 ± 21.6 nm correspondingly. Three-dimensional reconstructions of intracellular compartments with dimensions from 140 to 500 nm are also obtained.Conclusion. Obtained as a result of study quantitative morphology characteristics of surfaces of cell carriers and adhered cells show signifi cant degree of correlation of morphological parameters of cells and their carriers. Use of scanning probe cryonanotomography technique for three-dimensional analysis of structure and characteristics of biomaterials, cells and bio-artifi cial cellular systems enables to improve effi ciency of development of novel cell-engineered constructions with predicted morphological, physical, chemical and biological characteristics for tasks of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 


V.I. Shimakov Federal Research Center of Transplantology and Artificial Organs


Transplantation,Immunology and Allergy

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