Study of the gonadotrophic cycle of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (Say, 1821) (Acari: Ixodidae) in laboratory conditions


Bagaeva U. V.1ORCID,Lalieva L. Sh.1ORCID,Cherchesova S. K.1ORCID,Kokoev T. I.2,Dzhagaeva L. A.1ORCID


1. North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov

2. South Ossetian State University named after A. A. Tibilov


The purpose of the research is to determine the physiological characteristics of the single-host tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus depending on environmental factors, including the season of the year.Materials and methods. The study of the gonadotrophic cycle and fertility of B. annulatus was carried out during their seasonal activity from March 2022 to November 2023. The work consisted of two stages: field and laboratory. Ticks were collected manually from cattle in different settlements. Material was collected in natural biotopes according to the generally accepted method using a standard flag and drag. Nourished females were selected for oviposition and kept in laboratory conditions while maintaining optimal temperature and humidity. A total of 1,743 specimens were collected and identified. The sex ratio was 1: 7 with a predominance of females.Results and discussion. The gonadotrophic cycle and reproductive potential of B. annulatus vary by season. In autumn, the oviposition period, taking into account the incubation period, extends to an average of 28 days. The reproductive potential of females varied from 23 to 2194 eggs/ind. In spring, the cycle duration is comparatively shorter and, on average, does not exceed 25 days. Tick fertility can range from 19 to 5503 eggs/ind. which determines their abundance in summer and autumn months. The data obtained confirm the need for acaricidal treatment of animal grazing areas in the foothill zone in late autumn in order to reduce the number of B. annulatus both after winter diapause and throughout the year.


Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants

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