Exposure to hospital waste generates global concern as it causes various problems to the environment and human beings, especially when it involves large quantities, such as those from big cities. The population seeks to understand the waste generated in society, including Health Service Waste (HSW), which is responsible for transmitting infectious diseases when improperly disposed of. This study aims to explain the understanding of residents living near health centers about the risks they may face during exposure to this waste in the city of Belém-PA. Initially, a literature review was conducted, followed by interviews with 20 individuals residing near health units, using questionnaires with objective and open-ended questions. The responses were analyzed, revealing that 75% of respondents had already encountered some type of HSW near their homes. Furthermore, it was evident that most people are unaware of the composition of HSW, even after being exposed to it, or the diseases that can be acquired. It was concluded that health centers still generate exposure to their waste, requiring better training in waste treatment, and highlighting the need for social reeducation regarding the handling, knowledge of the type of waste, its composition, and contamination..
South Florida Publishing LLC
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