This study aims to analyze agile methodologies as an innovation tool in the digital marketing sector in the Southern Agreste of Pernambuco. Innovation has become an indispensable element to achieve organizational results, creating a solid competitive advantage through systemic and continuous actions. Agile methodologies meet this scenario, optimizing the processes of each project to be executed. The research refers to a multicase study with a qualitative approach with the application of the exploratory research technique. Data collection was done through the use of semi-structured interviews and for data analysis Bardin's (2011) content analysis technique was applied. The survey results showed that the attractions of digital marketing companies are numerous due to the virtual scenario, they can gradually expand according to the new methodologies that are emerging, that is, they become more competitive. It was also noted that organizations that adopt innovation need to be aligned with the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability, and experimentability and uncertainty, which can be in the technical, financial and social scenario.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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