Proposal for improvement intervention for a sawmill: airtable software


Ferreira Felipe Facco MendesORCID,Soares Evandro BezerraORCID,Barbosa Priscila PastiORCID


With the competition that exists between the timber sector in Brazil, companies in this sector need to adapt to the market, where many of the causes that hinder companies are in the way in which internal activities are carried out. Within this issue, a process that generates problems within a company is the lack of Production Planning, Programming and Control (PPCP). The lack of PPCP causes delays in production and products are made without quality, thus damaging the company's name. Using quality tools and the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), phenomenon and process analyzes were carried out. As a result, it was found that the lack of a PPCP was causing delays and losses for the company. In order to act on this problem, data on the processes and their causes were collected. Based on the data collected, PPCP software was created using the Airtable platform, which enabled solutions to problems involving delays in order delivery. Finally, the work achieved its objectives, meeting the company's needs and continuing with future improvements.


South Florida Publishing LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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