Investigating job Burnout determinants influencing teaching employees in private educational institutions


Malik AzamORCID


Job Burnout among the teaching employees in private educational institutions has become a big issue in today’s scenario. Job stress, job satisfaction, hectic time schedule, work life balance, organization commitment factors are becoming more prevalent among employee’s decision to burnout the present job or the company. Educational institutions are not having focused strategies to retaining the employees as they are in the process of having turnover intention which lead to burnout. Investigating the relationships between job burnout, job stress, work engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among faculty members at private educational institutions in India is the main objective of this study. The present study conducted through primary data by preparing the suitable questionnaire and collected the responses from 171 teaching employees of different private educational institutions in India. This study analysed the data by different tools and techniques like average, mean, correlation and regression. The findings revealed a significant association between burnout and workplace stress, as well as between job satisfaction, work engagement, and job stress. Burnout and job satisfaction were found to be significantly associated. The results demonstrate the importance of these factors in connection to job commitment and burnout. The implication of the study focuses on management must devote a lot of efforts in assessing their physical and mental working conditions in order to give services with the highest level of quality in education institutes.


South Florida Publishing LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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