Directions for improving the economic security of the Russian Federation in the context of economic recession and pandemic


Shumilina Vera1,Romashko Angela2,Krohicheva Galina2,Shirokoborodova Anna2,Dyachenko Danil2,Kolesnikov Anatoliy2,Miroshnik Sofya2,Matyushova Ellina2,Litvinova Yana2,Leonova Mariya2,Adamov Timofei2,Pilyuk Darya2,Lermontova Aleksandra2,Bondarewa Kristina2,Yakimenko Roman2,Mezentseva Yuliya2,Bryzgunov Dmitri2,Horoshevsky Artem2,Sidorina Tat'yana2,Sitnikova Liana2,Yusupova Elena2,Kurilov Andrey2



2. Don state technical university


In modern conditions, accompanied by a pandemic around the world, economic recession, a large number of threats arise that negatively affect not only the economy of individual enterprises, but also the entire state as a whole. Therefore, there is a need to maintain the economic security of the state at the proper level to eliminate potential and real threats. In a pandemic and economic recession, it is necessary to develop such directions for improving the economic security of the Russian Federation so that they meet modern realities. This monograph, devoted to the consideration of the main directions of improving the economic security of the Russian Federation in the conditions of economic recession and a pandemic, is the result of the joint work of teachers and students of the Department of Economic Security, Accounting and Law of the Don State Technical University.



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