Economics: world trends and problems
Shumilina Vera1, Krohicheva Galina2, Izvarina Nataliya2, Mezentseva Yuliya2, Sidorina Tat'yana2, Chzhan Minyuy2, Lugantsev Anton2, Lagutin Denis2, Shichanin Aleksandr11, Lyamin Andrey2, Miroshnik Sofya2, Kosyanok Anastasiya2, Ponomarenko Valeriya3, Tinikashvili Revaz2, Al-Ani Hasan Mustafakamal Dheyab2, Okhrimenko Angelica2, Martirosian Artur2, Tepegendjiyan Angelina2, Filev Dmitriy2, Gorodinskaya Irina2, Evseev Ruslan2, Klimov Denis2, Klimina Ksenia2, Shulyarenko Elena2, Nikitin Sergey2
1. DGTU 2. Don state technical University 3. DSTU
The current stage of development of the world economy is characterized by such trends as the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, post-industrialization, globalization, transnationalization, regionalization and the development of integration processes in the world economy.
The process of globalization has led not only to the unification of the economic space, when uniform standards for financial reporting, the activities of financial organizations, tax policy, but also technology, ecology, law, employment policy, education and culture appeared.
In addition to the positive trends caused by these objective processes, certain problems have arisen.
This monograph is a collective work of teachers and students of the Department of Economic Security, Accounting and Law of the Don State Technical University. It is devoted to the consideration of certain world and Russian trends and problems in the field of economics.
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