1. Lukach E. Characteristic functions / trans. from English; under. ed. by V.M. Zolotarev. – Moscow: Nauka, 1979. – 424 p., Lukach E. Characteristic functions / trans. from English; under. ed. by V.M. Zolotarev. – Moscow: Nauka, 1979. – 424 p.
2. Veshkurtsev Yu.M. Applied analysis of the characteristic function of random processes. – Moscow: Radio and communication, 2003. – 204 p., Veshkurtsev Yu.M. Applied analysis of the characteristic function of random processes. – Moscow: Radio and communication, 2003. – 204 p.
3. Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Veshkurtsev N.D., Titov D.A. Instrumentation based on the characteristic function of random processes. – Novosibirsk: publishing house ANS "SibAK", 2018. – 182, Veshkurtsev Yu.M., Veshkurtsev N.D., Titov D.A. Instrumentation based on the characteristic function of random processes. – Novosibirsk: publishing house ANS "SibAK", 2018. – 182
4. Levin B.R. Theoretical Foundations of Statistical Radio Engineering. – Moscow: Sov. radio, 1966. –728 p., Levin B.R. Theoretical Foundations of Statistical Radio Engineering. – Moscow: Sov. radio, 1966. –728 p.
5. Goryainov V.T., Zhuravlev A.G., Tikhonov V.I. Statistical radio engineering. Examples and tasks: textbook for universities / under. ed. by V.I. Tikhonov. – 2nd ed. revis. and add. – Moscow: Sov. radio, 1980. – 544 p., Goryainov V.T., Zhuravlev A.G., Tikhonov V.I. Statistical radio engineering. Examples and tasks: textbook for universities / under. ed. by V.I. Tikhonov. – 2nd ed. revis. and add. – Moscow: Sov. radio, 1980. – 544 p.