In the 1970s, technology opened horizons to the educational field, not only to problematize about it and its impact on teaching and learning, but also to expand the resources available to teachers to enhance their pedagogical mediation. However, it would be in the 21st century when the development of digital technology came to enhance the use of ICT for educational purposes, up to Artificial Intelligence, to build bridges that favor its incorporation into teaching at the higher level. Thus, in the field of disciplinary training, the strengthening of knowledge and research skills must include the effective use of technological resources in the training of college students. This article reports some results of a study whose objective was to analyze the attitudes that graduate students have about the use of AI in their education. The study had a quantitative approach with a descriptive transactional non-experimental design, in which 118 subjects participated, distributed in 10 Higher Education Institutions, 5 of them public and 5 of them private. Among its results, the uncertainties that the participants of the study have regarding the use of AI can be appreciated, while recognizing its ease and the attractiveness of a technology that requires specialized skills, responsibility in its use and cognitive processes typical of research.
Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador
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