The role of specially protected natural ar as in the formation of Saint Petersburg cultural landscapes


Isachenko G.1,Isachenko T.1


1. Saint Petersburg State University


The network of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of Saint Petersburg in 2020 included 8 nature reserves and 7 natural monuments of the regional level, with a total area of 6143 ha, or 4.3% of the city's territory. Almost all urban protected areas bear traces of anthropogenic impacts of various ages, and therefore their landscapes can be considered as cultural. Many historical and cultural monuments of the XVIII–XX centuries are preserved within the protected areas of Saint Petersburg. The article considers SPNA of Saint Petersburg: 1) as landscapes that preserve the results of human activity of different ages, including cultural heritage sites; 2) as emerging special cultural landscapes of the metropolis. The article analyzes the contribution of human activity to modern landscapes of SPNA and describes the associative value of cultural landscapes. The difficulties of creating new protected areas and contradictions between the tasks of preserving natural and cultural heritage in the management of SPNA are discussed. It is proved that the protected areas of Saint Petersburg are becoming more and more famous not only as places of "traditional" short-term recreation, but also as locations for new types of activity, including walks on ecological trails. The increasing popularity of protected areas is evidenced by the frequency of their mentions at the Internet.


Institute for Cultural Heritage

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