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2. Korolyov V.Yu., Khodzinsky O.M. Topological-combinatorial model of network construction for vehicles. Computer mathematics. 2018. 1. P. 61–67. http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/161850
3. Korolyov V.Yu., Ogurtsov M.I., Khodzinsky O.M. On the task of constructing traffic routes for a group of mobile remotely controlled systems. Computational intelligence. Labor International. scientific-practical conf., 16 – 18.05.2017. Kyiv: "Kyiv University". 2017. P. 247–248.
4. Korolyov V.Yu., Polinovsky V.V., Ogurtsov M.I. Modeling of communication networks of mobile remotely controlled systems based on HLA. Bulletin of Khmelnytsky National University. 2017. 1 (245). P. 160–165. http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/Vchnu_tekh_2017_1_33.pdf
5. Korolyov V.Yu., Ogurtsov M.I. Transport and communication task for groups of unmanned aerial vehicles. Mathematical machines and systems. 2017. 1. P. 82–89. http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/117508