1. Universidad de la Amazonia. Florencia, Colombia
Tourism is the predominant economic activity in the municipality of Leticia (Amazonas) since the natural potential of the territory has allowed it to consolidate itself as an international attraction. However, contradictorily, companies engaged in this activity have high closure rates. The objective of the investigative exercise was to characterize the factors that led to the closure of companies in the tourism sector in the municipality of Leticia. The study sought to know the leading causes of this phenomenon and the strategies developed by government entities to contribute to strengthening the sector. For this purpose, a mixed design of the nested type of dominant model (QUAN-which) in terms of the routes, and of a sequential kind, in terms of the procedure, which was executed in three stages, was implemented. Qualitative and quantitative instruments, such as the survey, documentary analysis and interview, were applied. The study found human and economic factors to be the main factors involved. Likewise, it evidenced the joint work of government entities and companies in favor of strengthening the sector. The main difficulties can be seen in the loss of interest in the business; family and personal problems: the change in the city of residence; the prioritization of other projects and activities; lack of budget; economic losses, and unfair competition in different areas.
Centro de Investigación en Educación, Naturaleza, Cultura e Innovación para la Amazonia
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5 articles.