1. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia
Solidarity economy investment agro-projects have become, since the last decade, State and non-State tools to bring economic development to rural communities in Colombia. This article aims to present a bibliographical review of solidarity economy agro-projects in Colombia and the key aspects (solidarity economy, associativity and productive projects) that affect its sustainability over time. The documentary review was applied in the Proquest and Redylac databases. We collected quality data and information on the state of the art of the study object. Methodologically, we analyzed epistemological approaches and theories with which the agrarian problem in Colombia has been addressed. The concept of agro-project was discussed initially. This concept was defined in its technical, economic and administrative aspects and was differentiated from other types of conventional agricultural organization. Elements such as the solidarity economy, productive projects and associativity were addressed in light of the epistemological treatment of the analyzed authors.
Centro de Investigación en Educación, Naturaleza, Cultura e Innovación para la Amazonia
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5 articles.