Walking, discovering, and inventing landscapes. Reflections on the risk of estrangement


Oldani Andrea


Our current era is characterised by mutations in the relationship between reality and virtuality that are increasingly affecting how we interact with the environment we inhabit. The act of walking thus recalls a primordial notion of recovering relationships with the landscape. For architects, however, addressing this issue also entails the need to change the environment. Walking, therefore, becomes an activity not for its own sake, but one that is essential for planning, that is, it involves rethinking the role of tools, reconsidering the value of discovery, and reassessing the meaning of experience. Consequently, thinking and knowing how to walk and wander, starting from the involvement of the body, is the ?rst step to re-inventing the future. Re?ecting on this topic is essential to guarantee the continuity of the landscape phenomenon.


Franco Angeli

Reference27 articles.

1. Balmori D., 2014, Drawing and Reinventing Landscape. London: Wiley. Barthes R.,1980, La chambre claire. Note sur la photographie. Paris: Gallimard.

2. Beelen K., 2009, «The Map’s Critical Project. Or, What do Maps Want?». OASE, 80: 79-90.

3. Careri F., 2006, Walkscapes: camminare come pratica estetica. Torino: Einaudi.

4. Le Corbusier and Photography

5. Corchia L., 2011, La democrazia nell’era di internet: per una politica dell’intelligenza collettiva. Firenze: Le Lettere.








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