Mobbing nei luoghi di lavoro: rassegna della letteratura sugli aspetti definitori e sulle conseguenze


Balducci Cristian


- Mobbing is a work-related psychosocial risk that consists of psychological harassment conducted against a worker by colleagues or supervisors, rarely by subordinates. In the present paper a review of the psychological literature is carried out, with a focus on defining aspects and consequences of the phenomenon. Results suggest that mobbing may be viewed as a long lasting conflict, which polarizes progressively and which may also be fuelled by the victimized worker. Intentionality of the hostile behaviours is not considered a defining aspect of mobbing. The personal consequences of mobbing appear to be more severe than those usually observed in organizational stress-research. Organizational and societal consequences are also of relevance. One of the most important limitation of research in this area is that studies on the causes of the phenomenon integrating both organizational and personal factors and using robust research designs, are almost totally absent.Key words: mobbing, workplace bullying, psychosocial risks, work-related stress.Parole chiave: mobbing, bullismo lavorativo, rischi psicosociali, stress lavoro-correlato.


Franco Angeli


Applied Psychology,Health (social science)

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