EMDR therapy of transgenerational trauma activated in war conditions


Hrydkovets Liudmyla


The article presents the results of studies that show the impact of traumatic experiences of previous generations on the mental health of descendants. The specifics of transgenerational transmissions in conditions of historical trauma (especially war) are considered. The specifics of the effects of transgenerational trauma on the individual are revealed, which are determined by the nature of the historical trauma/traumatic event, the duration of the historical trauma/traumatic event, and the specifics of rehabilitation processes to overcome the consequences of the historical trauma/traumatic event. The article presents the approach and stages of EMDR therapy in overcoming the consequences of activation of transgenerational trauma in the traumatic conditions of military operations. Additional auxiliary actions have been determined to consolidate the positive result of EMDR therapy when working with transgenerational traumas.


Franco Angeli


General Medicine

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