Butera Federico,Di Guardo Sebastiano
- Knowledge workers numbers are growing in all western countries, from 39 to 52% of working population as international statistics reveal. But in many cases their work is not well understood, the nature of their work resembles more to a character than to a well defined job, it is difficult to evaluate their performance, critical is the balance between their need for job security and their boundaryless careers, their professions are often strategical but rarely enter in a clear system of professions as in the past the medical doctors, the architects, the lawyers. A proven methodology for analysis and design of roles, professions and personal growth is presented and illustrated through two cases: the top level experts (or knowledge owners) in a high tech large corporation and the case of immigrant social workers in charge of helping immigrant people to integrate in schools, workplace, neighbourhood. Aims of such a methodology are: unrevealing the nature of knowledge work, understanding the character defined by the organization end performed by people, identify and measuring the performances, give people flexsecurity, develop e strengthen critical and strategic professions.
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