The need for direct and indirect state regulation for the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine


Peshko Anatolii


The issue of the need for state regulation of sustainable development of Ukraine's agro-industrial complex is acute due to the low economic efficiency of production and the need to adapt it to the global market conditions. Ukraine needs coordinat-ed actions that provide for increased, sustainable investment in the agro-industrial complex and rural welfare development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the need for direct and indirect state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Based on the list of references, a brief retrospective analysis of the role of the agro-industrial complex of the country with reference to statistical data and some numerical indicators of the industry was carried out. The world experience of state regulation of agriculture is considered and structured to identify promising areas for application in the practice of Ukraine and to identify problem areas. At-tention is focused on the importance of financing, personnel, and innovations in the field of regulation of the agricultural sector to ensure the well-being of society. National policy in the agro-industrial complex should have an integration orienta-tion towards foreign policy, due to Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organisa-tion and preparations for joining the European Union. The national policy in the medium term should be aimed at the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex, ensuring food security of the state, developing market infra-structure, increasing export potential, creating conditions for the full development of rural areas and the level of well-being of the rural population. New approaches to internal support should be aimed at long-term improvement of productivity and competitiveness. Economic support, the introduction of innovations with the support of a scientific activity, the motivation of personnel and socio-infrastructural support of the rural population are the main vectors of the activities of state bodies in this line.


Franco Angeli


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Strategy and Management,Development,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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