"E pluribus unum"? From colors to psychology


Di Nuovo Santo


The commentary deals with multiplicity vs unity in psychology, contrasting the compartmentalization of psychology as several different disciplines.The problem has significant repercussions on the professional level, given that the psychologist under Italian law is authorized to work in all fields of the psychological profession, except psychotherapy for which specialist training is required. Possible unifying criteria, epistemology and methods common to the entire psychological science are sought. The applicative aspects for training, in light of the new norms on the qualifying degree in psychology, are discussed.


Franco Angeli

Reference14 articles.

1. Bosio A. C., Graffigna G., Barello S. (2021). Uno scenario transdisciplinare per la salute: nuovo paradigma per la psicologia e gli psicologi? Psicologia della Salute, 24(2), 17-32.

2. Brehm, S. S. (1976). The application of social psychology to clinical practice. Washington: Hemisphere-Wiley.

3. Burns, E. A. (2019). Theorising Professions. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

4. Di Nuovo, S. (2020). Searching for models for psychological science: A possible contribution of simulation. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 54, 701-709.

5. Di Nuovo, S. (2021). Why to use ‘idiographic’ approaches in psychological research? Yearbook of Idiographic Science – Vol. 10 (edited by Sergio Salvatore and Jaan Valsiner). Rome: Firrera and Liuzzo.








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