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2. Ciaschini M., Pretaroli R., Socci C. (2009). Multisectoral structures and policy design. International Journal of Control (iFirst), 1-16.
3. Ciaschini M., Pretaroli R., Socci C. (2011). Balance, Manhattan norm and Euclidean distance of industrial policies for the US. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics review. Elsevier, 22(3), 204-226.
4. Ciaschini M., Socci C. (2006). Income distribution and output change: Macro multiplier approach. In: Salvadori, N. (Ed.). Economic Growth and Distribution: On the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations. Edward Elgar.
5. Ciaschini M., Socci C. (2007). Bi-regional SAM linkages: a modified backward and forward dispersion approach. Reviews of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 19(3), 233-254.