1. Bion W.R. (1962). Learning from experience. London: William Heinemann Medical Books (trad. it. Apprendere dall’esperienza. Roma: Armando, 1979).
2. Bion W.R. (1970). Attention and Interpretation. London: Tavistock Publications (trad. it. Attenzione e interpretazione. Roma: Armando, 1973).
3. Bion W.R. (1985). Seminari italiani, a cura di F. Bion. Roma: Borla.
4. Bion W.R. (1987). Clinical Seminars and Four Papers. London: The Estate of W.R. Bion (trad. it. Seminari clinici. Brasilia e San Paolo. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 1989).
5. Symbolic attitude and reverie: problems of symbolization in children and adolescents