1. a Centre of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, Department of Scienza della Terra e Geologico Ambientali, Bologna University, Italy
2. b Biomaterials, Biomimetics & Biophotonics, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King's College and St. Thomas' Hospitals, Floor 17 Guy's Hospital, London, UK
3. c Biomaterials, Biomimetics & Biophotonics, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King's College and St. Thomas' Hospitals, Floor 17 Guy's Hospital, London, UK
4. d Centre of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, Department of Scienza della Terra e Geologico Ambientali, Bologna University, Italy
5. e Department of Conservative Dentistry, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King's College and St. Thomas' Hospitals, Guy's Hospital, London, UK
6. f Department of Conservative Dentistry, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King's College and St. Thomas' Hospitals, Guy's Hospital, London, UK
7. g Centre of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, Department of Scienza della Terra e Geologico Ambientali, Bologna University, Italy
8. h Centre of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, Department of Scienza della Terra e Geologico Ambientali, Bologna University, Italy;, Email: romano.mongiorgi@unibo.it