1. a INSERM, U 698, Cardiovascular Bio-engineering, X Bichat Hospital, Bât INSERM 13 46 rue H. Huchard, 75877 Paris, Cedex 18, France; Radiology Department, the Mondor Hospital, 94010 Créteil, France
2. b INSERM, U 698, Cardiovascular Bio-engineering, X Bichat Hospital, Bât INSERM 13 46 rue H. Huchard, 75877 Paris, Cedex 18, France; University of Orléans, 45000 Orléans, France
3. c Biopredic SA, 35000 Rennes, France
4. d INSERM, U 698, Cardiovascular Bio-engineering, X Bichat Hospital, Bât INSERM 13 46 rue H. Huchard, 75877 Paris, Cedex 18, France; Institut Galilée, University Paris 13, 93430 Villetaneuse, France
5. e INSERM, U 698, Cardiovascular Bio-engineering, X Bichat Hospital, Bât INSERM 13 46 rue H. Huchard, 75877 Paris, Cedex 18, France
6. f INSERM, U 698, Cardiovascular Bio-engineering, X Bichat Hospital, Bât INSERM 13 46 rue H. Huchard, 75877 Paris, Cedex 18, France; Institut Galilée, University Paris 13, 93430 Villetaneuse, France