1. Second Temple Period Ritual Baths Adjacent to Agricultural Installations: The Archaeological Evidence in Light of the Halakhic Sources;Adler, Yonatan
2. Adler, Yonatan. The Archaeology of Purity: Archaeological Evidence for the Observance of Ritual Purity in Eretz-Israel from the Hasmonean Period until the End of the Talmudic Era (164 BCE–400 CE), PhD Dissertation (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 2011) [Hebrew].
3. Tosefta Shabbat 1:14 — ‘Come and See the Extent to Which Purity Had Spread’: An Archaeological Perspective on the Historical Background to a Late Tannaitic Passage;Adler, Yonatan
4. Between Priestly Cult and Common Culture: The Material Evidence of Ritual Purity Observance in Early Roman Jerusalem Reassessed;Adler, Yonatan
5. Purity without a Temple: Chalkstone Vessel Production and Use in the Period between the Revolts as Seen through the Assemblage from Shu‘fat;Adler, Yonatan