This paper explores testamentary law in late medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa) by analysing the testaments made by notary Thomasinus de Savere, working at Dubrovnik, 1277–1286. De Savere was an educated notary, originating from Reggio Emilia in Italy. He greatly contributed to the spread of doctrinal elements of ius commune in Dubrovnik. In determining the reach of his influence on testamentary law, I will first examine inheritance law in Dubrovnik at the time, followed by an analysis of the testaments De Savere composed for the local population. I will then compare these testaments with the testament De Savere made for himself (1284). The latter differs from the testaments composed for the locals, as it is doctrinally in line with the latest developments of the ius commune. I will discuss the possible reasons and relevance of this difference.