‘The Nation will always prevail’, Representation, participation and contestation in the Belgian Constitution of 1831


Maes Christophe1,Deseure Brecht2


1. Postdoctoral researcher, Leuven Centre for Public Law, Faculty of Law, KU Leuven, Tiensestraat 41, box 3441 – 3000 Leuven (Belgium)

2. Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, King’s College London, 22 Kingsway, – London WC2B 6NR (United Kingdom)


Summary The exact nature of the concept of sovereignty enshrined by the Belgian Constitution of 1831 has recently become the object of academic debate. This article takes a stand in this debate by analyzing the representative system instated by the constituent National Congress. It is argued that the congressmen attributed primacy to the legislative Chamber because it concentrated in its midst all the individual wills of the people in order to express the general will or the wish of the Nation. Importantly, though, parliament was not the only representative of the national will, neither was it considered completely self-contained. Parliament’s expression of the national will was subject to constant evaluation by public opinion. When the assembly failed to respond to popular grievances, other representatives were qualified to address the issue: the king could disband the Chamber or pronounce his veto when the national interest required it. The jury, assessing press or political related crimes, could correct oppressive governmental action. And if all of this failed – and only then – the nation could ultimately resist and take directly matters in its own hands. Thus, it is argued that the character of sovereignty in the Belgian state system was ultimately popular.












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