Temporal Patterns in Latin American Truth Commission Recommendation Formulation and Implementation


Wiebelhaus-Brahm Eric1,Wright Dylan2


1. School of Public Affairs, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA, eric.brahm@gmail.com

2. School of Public Affairs, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA, drwright1@ualr.edu


Abstract Remarkably little attention has focused on the formulation and implementation of truth commission (tc) recommendations. We use Skaar et al.’s original data on approximately 1000 recommendations produced by 13 truth commissions established in 11 Latin American countries between 1983 and 2014 to examine how recommendations and government responses to them have evolved over nearly 40 years. Truth commissions appear to be regularly influenced by major global transitional justice and human rights developments as they formulate recommendations. They target specific marginalised identity groups in their recommendations, particularly after major global initiatives to recognise the rights of such groups. Yet, governments often forego implementing such recommendations. Recommendations also appear to be shaped by whether the commission was established right after a political transition. Post-transitional commissions, which come five or more years after transition, issue more recommendations dealing with reparations of all sorts. However, whether overwhelmed by the number of proposals or more immune to pressure to enact such measures, governments implement these recommendations less regularly. These commissions also do not invoke the importance of reconciliation as transitional commissions do.




Law,Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science








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