The Christian–Buddhist dialogue, though relatively new, has produced many important works by influential religious leaders. As religious communities continue to migrate around the world, further dialogue is needed, particularly as societies move more and more toward ostracizing the perceived ‘other’. For Pentecostals, interreligious dialogue is crucial since Pentecostalism is a global religious expression, movement, and tradition. Amos Yong has provided Pentecostals with a useful example of how to successfully dialogue with other traditions through his dialogue with Buddhism; nevertheless, Yong’s project invites additional perspectives and insights. Consequently, the author here proposes panexperientialism, or Process Philosophy, as a frame to enhance the Pentecostal–Buddhist dialogue and to aid other interreligious dialogues that extend beyond these two traditions.
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1 articles.
1. All Local Coherences;PentecoStudies;2023-07-27