Who Gets to Be a Virtuoso? Diplomatic Competence through an Intersectional Lens


Standfield Catriona1ORCID


1. Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of History and Political Science, Worcester State University Worcester MA USA


Summary The practice turn in diplomatic studies has focused on how and when diplomats recognise others’ practices as competent. I argue that gendered, raced and classed power shape who is recognised as competent or virtuosic. Denial of recognition reveals how normative conceptions of competence reproduce inequalities in diplomacy. I trace the development and assessment of competence through the autobiographical narratives of Dame Margaret Joan Anstee, a British diplomat, diplomatic wife, international civil servant and then UN special representative in Angola in the 1990s. I find that developing social capital through education was key to allowing Anstee to transcend her working-class origins and enter the upper-class milieu of the post-World War II British Foreign Office. However, as the UN’s first female head of a peacekeeping mission, she struggled to be recognised as a competent actor, even as she took what could be seen as virtuosic action to resource the failing mission.




Political Science and International Relations

Reference82 articles.

1. International Practices

2. Track-Change Diplomacy: Technology, Affordances, and the Practice of International Negotiations;Adler-Nissen, Rebecca

3. Power in Practice: Negotiating the International Intervention in Libya;Adler-Nissen, Rebecca

4. WPS, Peace Negotiations, and Peace Agreements;Aggestam, Karin

5. Where Are the Women in Peace Mediation?;Aggestam, Karin








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