Child Soldiers, Agency, and Aristotelian Virtue Ethics


Souris Renée Nicole1


1. PhD, Assistant Professor, Law and Society, School of Arts & Communications, College of Psychology & Liberal Arts, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA


Abstract The international community first responded to child soldiering by embracing within law and policy a narrative that saw child soldiers largely as passive victims. Empirical work with child soldiers has since revealed a more complex picture of children’s agency and actual experiences. From this work, a more recent narrative – which I call the political actor narrative – has taken shape within scholarly work on child soldiers. While the former narrative may be wrong to universalise the condition of all child soldiers as passive victims, the latter narrative is limited in what it can tell us about how child soldiering affects moral character development. I argue that we have good reason to seek a more comprehensive narrative that mixes elements of the passive victim and political actor narratives into a new narrative that provides resources for character-based normative analysis, and I show how virtue ethics provides the conceptual resources to do this.




Political Science and International Relations,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Sociology and Political Science

Reference38 articles.

1. Individual Agency and Responsibility for Atrocity;Ainley, K.,2008

2. Ethics,2014

3. Politics,2017

4. Complex Political Perpetrators: Reflections on Dominic Ongwen;Baines, E.,2009

5. Sierra Leone’s former child soldiers: a longitudinal study of risk, protective factors, and mental health;Betancourt, T.S.,2010a







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