1. Desiderius Erasmus. En amice lector, Thesaurum damus inaestimabilem D. Basilium vere Magnum sua lingua disertissime loquentem quem hactenus habuisti Latine balbutientem: Unum hunc dedit nobis Graecia numeris omnibus absolutum, sive pietatem animi spectes, sive sacrae pariter ac prophanae philosophi[a]e peritiam, sive divinitus afflatam eloquentiam. Mihi crede, reddet te tibi meliorem, quisquis hunc familiarem habere voles / Operum catalogum, et Erasmi Roterodami praefationem versa pagina monstrabit. Basileae: ex officina Frobeniana, An. XXXII mense Martio (1532), 403–413: Ὁμιλία πρὸς τοὺς νέους ὅπως ἂν ἐξ Ἑλληνικῶν ὠφελοῖντο λόγων.
2. Erasmus and Cambridge: The Cambridge Letters of Erasmus
3. Erasmus and Fisher: Their Correspondence, 1511–1524
4. A Catalogue of Lady Margaret’s Professors at Cambridge.” In The funeral sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby: mother to King Henr’ Vii. and foun’ress of Christ’s, and St John’s College in Cambridge, with a preface containing some further account of her charities and foundations, together with a catalogue of her professors both at Cambridge and Oxford, and of her preachers at Cambridge;Baker, Thomas
5. Grace Book Beta, Part 1: Containing the Proctors’ Accounts and Other Records of the University of Cambridge for the Years 1488–1511; Part 2: Containing the Accounts of the Proctors of the University of Cambridge, 1511–1544