Discourses on Research Freedom in the Academic Study of Religion. An Overview


Severino Valerio S.1ORCID


1. Marie Curie Fellow of the European Commission, Department of Religious Studies, Palacký University https://dx.doi.org/48207 Olomouc Czech Republic


Abstract The present essay aims at exploring the issue of the freedom of research in the Academic Study of Religion. This essay brings together questions, arguments, and narratives in the framework of which the issue has been addressed and expressed. By adopting the approach of the ‘discursive research’, I seek to trace the production of the meaning of ‘freedom’ that is legitimated and shared in the Academic Study of Religion. I shall give a breakdown of this process of meaning-production along the following lines: the authority, the rights, and the impartiality of science particularly with regard to both the concept of ‘(Religious)Value-Free’ and the program of the ‘academic freedom from religion’. Besides I describe a counter-narrative based on what I may call ‘Non-Religious-Value’-Free and the academic program of the ‘autonomy of religion’. Eventually, I acknowledge a complementarity between the two narratives, as well as between the notions of facts-given and god/church-given freedom. The central takeaway of the essay is the recognition of a binary opposition between the senses of freedom along these lines.


H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions




Religious studies

Reference47 articles.

1. Religious Studies in the Context of Islamic Culture;Antes, Peter

2. Introduction;Asad, Talal

3. Genealogies of Religion: Discipline and Reasons of Power in Christianity and Islam;Asad, Talal

4. Reading a Modern Classic: W. C. Smith’s ‘The Meaning and End of Religion’;Asad, Talal

5. The Czech Journey to the Academic Study of Religions: From the Critique of Religion to its Study;Bubík, Tomáš








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