1. The combined effect of high-intensity interval training and intermittent fasting on lipid profile and peroxidation in Wistar rats under high-fat diet;Abbasi, B.
2. Ramadan intermittent fasting affects adipokines and leptin/adiponectin ratio in type 2 diabetes mellitus and their first-degree relatives;Abdullah, K.
3. Health impact of fasting in Saudi Arabia during Ramadan: association with disturbed circadian rhythm and metabolic and sleeping patterns;Ajabnoor, G.M.
4. Ramadan fasting ameliorates oxidative stress and improves glycemic control and lipid profile in diabetic patients;Al-Shafei, A.I.
5. Intermittent v. continuous energy restriction: differential effects on postprandial glucose and lipid metabolism following matched weight loss in overweight/obese participants;Antoni, R.