1. Ittiǧāhāt al-tafsīr fī al-Qarn al-rābiʿ ʿašar;ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, Fahd ibn
2. The Core of the Qurʾan: Sūrat Yā Sīn (Q. 36);Abdel Haleem, M.A.S.
3. A Structural Analysis of Sürat Maryam, Verses 1–58;Alhassen, Leyla Ozgur
4. The Postclassical Oral World and the Unity of Sūra 74;Archer, George
5. Al-Qurʾān min al-tafsīr al-maurūṯ ilā taḥlīl al-ḫiṭāb al-dīnī;Arkoun, Mohammed