1. Brigham Young University
2. Ohio State University
Geographic isolation and spatial inequality are growing issues for most countries. However, distance-demolishing technologies have been proposed as a solution of overcoming geographic barriers associated with geographic penalties. This research uses the rapid and widespread adoption of inexpensive motorcycles in Vietnam as a case study of how distance-demolishing technologies can improve household well-being. Utilising panel data from the 2004, 2006 and 2008 Vietnamese Household Living Standard Surveys, this research uses propensity score matching to isolate the effect that the introduction of a motorcycle has on household income. Our results show that new motorcycle ownership reduces spatial isolation penalties and significantly improves household well-being in Vietnam. In addition, marginalised populations, such as female-headed households and rural households, receive relatively larger returns from a new motorcycle. Our findings suggest that distance-demolishing technologies can contribute to the reduction of spatial inequality by helping households overcome both geographic and social barriers.
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10 articles.