1. Acharya, Narayan Ram. 1949. Yajñavalkya-smr̥ti of Yogiśvara Yajñavalkya. With the commentary Mitākṣarā of Vijñaneśvara, Notes, Variant Readings, etc. Bombay: Nirnayasagara Press.
2. Book Reviews [Review of the Book The History of the Arthaśāstra, Sovereignty and Sacred Law in Ancient India by Mark McClish;Bisschop, Peter C.
3. The Economics of Peace;Boulding, Kenneth E.
4. Cāṇakya and Kauṭalya;Burrow, Thomas
5. The Pātagaṇḍigūḍem Copper-Plate Grant of the Ikṣvāku King Ehevala Cāntamūla;Falk, Harry