Criconematidae (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from the New Zealand region: genera Ogma Southern, 1914 and Blandicephalanema Mehta & Raski, 1971


Wouts Wilhelmus,Yeates Gregor,Loof Pieter


Abstract Seven Ogma species new to science are described from native vegetation in New Zealand. O. campbelli n. sp. and O. sexcostatum n. sp. have six, Ogma polyandra n. sp., O. subantarcticum n. sp., O. semicrenatum n. sp., O. paucispinatum n. sp. and O. crenulatum n. sp. have eight or more rows of palmate scales. O. sexcostatum differs from O. campbelli by its shorter body (0.36 vs 0.49 mm), greater number of body annules (60-69 vs 50-57) and shorter spines on the ventral side of the post-vulval area. O. subantarcticum and O. polyandra both have a fringe of appendages on the lip annules but differ in body diameter (64 vs 47 mu m), number of spines per body scale (more than seven vs less than eight) and stylet length (102 vs 92 mu m). O. semicrenatum has no appendages on the first lip annule. O. paucispinatum differs from the previous species by having less than five (generally three) appendages on the scales. O. crenulatum differs from O. subantarcticum and O. semicrenatum, the species with about five appendages, by the weakly crenate or smooth edge of both the first and the second lip annule. Blandicephalanema is represented by B. serratum Mehta & Raski, 1971, B. pilatum Mehta & Raski, 1971 and B. bossi Reay, 1987. Criconematidae (Nematoda: Tylenchida) de Nouvelle Zelande: genres Ogma Southern, 1914 et Blandicephalanema Mehta & Raski, 1971 - Sept nouvelles especes pour la science associees a la vegetation indigene sont decrites de Nouvelle Zelande, Ogma campbelli n. sp. et O. sexcostatum n. sp. montrant six rangees d'ecailles palmees, O. polyandra n. sp., O. subantarcticum n. sp., O. semicrenatum n. sp., O. paucispinatum n. sp. et O. crenulatum n. sp. en montrant huit ou plus. O. sexcostatum se difference d'O. campbelli par le corps plus court (0.36 vs 0.49 mm), le plus grand nombre d'anneaux du corps (60-69 vs 50-57) et les epines plus courtes sur la face ventrale de la region post vulvaire. O. subantarcticum et O. polyandra portent tous deux une frange d'appendices sur les anneaux labiaux mais se differencient par le diametre du corps (64 vs 47 mu m), le nombre d'epines par ecaille (moins de sept vs plus de huit) et la longueur du stylet (102 vs 92 mu m). O. semicrenatum ne porte pas d'appendice sur l'anneau labial. O. paucispinatum se differencie des precedentes especes en ayant moins de cinq (generalement trois) appendices sur les ecailles. O. crenulatum se differencie d'O. subantarcticum et O. semicrenatum, especes avec environ cinq appendices, par le bord legerement crenele ou lisse du premier et du second anneau labial. Blandicephalanema est represente par B. serratum Mehta & Raski, 1971, B. pilatum Mehta & Raski, 1971 et B. bossi Reay, 1987.




Agronomy and Crop Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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